The Gut Mind-Body Connection: Decoding The Signs And Signals Your Gut Is Sending About Your Health And Wellbeing
Just enter your first name and email in the box to GET ACCESS TO THE REPLAY and to INSTANTLY receive your FREE GUT DECODING GUIDE, where I share with you the secret signs and symptoms your gut is giving you about what’s keeping you from looking and feeling your best.
Just enter your first name and email in the box to GET ACCESS TO THE REPLAY and to INSTANTLY receive your FREE GUT DECODING GUIDE, where I share with you the secret signs and symptoms your gut is giving you about what’s keeping you from looking and feeling your best.
The Gut Mind-Body Connection: Decoding The Signs And Signals Your Gut Is Sending About Your Health And Wellbeing
1- What heartburn, migraines and back pain have to do with your gut health (and how it affects your risk of cancer, too!)
2- How your emotional state and lifestyle choices can manifest into digestive upset and bloating
3- What the full moon could teach you about your gut health
4- The #1 gut issue your doctor isn’t talking about
1- What heartburn, migraines and back pain have to do with your gut health (and how it affects your risk of cancer, too!)
2- How your emotional state and lifestyle choices can manifest into digestive upset and bloating
3- What the full moon could teach you about your gut health
4- The #1 gut issue your doctor isn’t talking about
Have you heard the old wive’s tale “stop worrying so much you’re going to give yourself an ulcer”? Did you know that there is actually some scientific truth to that? Ulcers can be a sign of stuck energy in our body and a clue to a much BIGGER problem regarding your health.
Our gut is giving us signs and signals all the time about what might be going haywire in our health, lives and wellbeing but we are often oblivious or ignore them. And vice versa, what we are manifesting in our lives can be having a negative impact on our gut health.
These signs and signals can also be far removed from what we would consider to be a connection from the gut.
Do you ever suffer from…
- Bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea
- Stubborn weight or weight gain
- Struggles with motivation, depression, anxiety, irritability
- Constantly sick- cold, flu, allergies
- Sleep issues- insomnia or just poor sleep in general
- Chronic fatigue/constantly tired
- Sore, stiff or painful joints
- Generally declining health
- Don’t feel like self
- Indigestion, heartburn
- Food allergies/food sensitivities, loss of appetite, hungry all the time
- Strong cravings for processed foods and sugary foods
- Hives, rashes, eczema, itchy dermatitis, acne, ulcers, sores, lesions
- Recurring yeast infections like Candida
- Bleeding gums, teeth grinding and drooling during sleep
- Sexual dysfunction in men/menstrual cycle problems in women
- Itching – especially around mouth, nose and anus
If you said yes to any of these then your gut is trying to seriously tell you something about your health and wellbeing.
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about and how one of my coaching clients is starting to connect the dots with her health, wellbeing and the state of her gut…

“I've been working with Jenn to find my energy, clear my mind and to get my motivation back. It has been a positive road together I’m feeling much better since beginning my time with her. As we work together, I'm learning more and more about health and well-being in general. Honestly, my doctor is not on top of things like leaky gut and adrenal fatigue, which are my main issues. I am seeing more and more information out there describing the symptoms I've been experiencing over the last few years, and Jenn has been the only one to address it. Part of this journey focuses on clean eating, not just for weight loss, but to also heal my inner systems. I sound like a commercial, but I really find my work with Jenn to be very helpful and it’s actually working for me.”- Jen. B, Maryland

Healing my gut has been a very personal part of my own health re-building program. I’ve alleviated my allergies, joint aches, migraines, back pain, and have balanced my energy, all by listening to the signals my body was giving me about my gut. Now it’s part of my personal mission to help others stop the pain and suffering by teaching them to do the same!
In Health,
Jenn Malecha
Certified Personal Trainer
Transformational Health Coach
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
In Health,
Jenn Malecha
Certified Personal Trainer
Transformational Health Coach
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner